Sunday, September 05, 2010

Cafasso and Haiti

Click here for an exchange involving Cafasso somehow pretending he represents a Christian mission in an exchange with someone from the UN:

From: "Joseph \"Jay\" Cafasso"

I will have details on all facilities in both Haiti and the DR with in the
next 24 hours..... Any logistics questions please contact me directly.....

Thank You and Peace...

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam

Joseph "Jay" Cafasso, KM
Salesian Missions Disaster Services
Logistic Cluster Coordinator
12559 N400E
Wheatfield, Indiana 46392 USA
219-828-5789 Home Office
917-623-9136 Cell

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of
moral crisis maintain their neutrality."...Dante

"Hypocrisie est un hommage que la vice rend à la vertu." - "Hypocrisy is
the tribute that vice pays to virtue."de La Rochefoucauld

"We are all down in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the
stars." Oscar Wilde

"If you".... Isaiah 21:12

The people at Salesian Missions were none to happy that Cafasso was pretending to be working for them:

Important Alert

On Sunday, January 17, 2010, it came to the attention of Father Mark Hyde, sdb, executive director of Salesian Missions – headquartered in New Rochelle, NY, that Joseph “Jay” Cafasso has been representing himself as the Logistic Cluster Coordinator for Salesian Missions Disaster Services.

Salesian Missions has no such department or position within the organization and at no time has Joseph “Jay” Cafasso been a staff member, volunteer or spokesperson within the organization.

Salesian Missions was first contacted by Cafasso earlier this week when he represented himself with Knights Crossing Humanitarian Logistics Services offering assistance with the relief efforts in Haiti. The extent to Cafasso’s involvement with this organization remains unknown and an extensive internet search found no information on Knights Crossing Humanitarian Logistics Services.

Fr. Hyde has alerted his staff at Salesian Missions and other partner organizations regarding Cafasso’s misrepresentation and encourages all those who may have had contact with Cafasso while representing himself as an associate with Salesian Missions to contact the Salesian Missions office at 914-633-8344 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 914-633-8344 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or the New Rochelle Police Department 914-654-2300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 914-654-2300 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Fr. Hyde has notified the New Rochelle Police Department of this matter and will be fully cooperating with any law enforcement involvement.

Please do not associate with this individual whatsoever. He is a professional con artist and may be dangerous. He has been using the following names; Jacob Cafasso, Jay Cafasso, Joe or Joseph Cafasso, J. Anthony Cafasso and Tony Ryals.

If you come in contact with this criminal, call your local Police Department immediately as well as one of the numbers above.