Read it and weep, Joe. You crawl out of the woodwork because you now have renewed confidence that nothing will happen to you because Idema is in a 'self imposed exile'. How courageous of you to go into your own self-imposed exile and complain you were dying while you thought he might appear in the U.S. to personally thank you for all your contributions to his successes.
You used the fact that Idema was in prison as your exoneration, that what was said about you was based on the words of a conman. You pointed to the fact that Idema was in prison as the sole reason that Rutenberg's article was false. This is a weak yet droll defense. The people who caught onto you at Fox and other places are numerous. You went on to Wikipedia and twisted the words around about what really happened at Fox: they invited you to come back if you could prove your claims were true. But you never went back, did you?
In the poll here, Joe Cafasso beat Jack Idema hands down as the bigger con artist. This is an old grab, the numbers in our poll now are 99% to 0. In the poll at Joe's website, the results were climbing over 90% in favor of Joe's being the bigger conman, but Joe took it off of his website and now his entire sidebar is missing. Joe must have been unhappy with those results!
Cafasso has a little coding problem...maybe he can ask his girlfriend Kathryn Cramer to help him with that. That is, if she's still speaking to him after he bilked her out of $20 grand and stole her MAC laptop.
We took pleasure in recreating the poll exactly as Joe had it done, complete with the mis-spelling of "foce" instead of "force". It's the way he pronounces it with his New England accent, and with little education and a problem with the use of contractions, he probably spells things out phonetically.
How he can pass himself off in the halls of academe with these ridiculous claims of awards and military heroism and accomplishment when he can't spell a simple word is beyond the realm of comprehension. I understand he moved to the hallowed halls of Northwestern University at one point. If true, no doubt, they, too welcomed him like the elitists at Columbia University did. What a disappointment that has proven to be in the search for intelligent life on American campuses today! People who can be that easily bamboozled are not protected from the con games of a man such is this. But he has found a modus operendi that works. He works the fertile fields of academia where people have marginalized themselves and are therefore so much more vulnerable to his scheming, lies, tales of heroism, and military background, which are mostly- nonexistent.
Joe still missses apostrophes, repeating very simple mistakes which have become a recognizable signature in his writing. Posing online under different pseudonyms, his signature glares at the reader. So the little ruse has become very transparent to those of us who have been following it. Which is probably at least a part of the reason why he disappeared. Joe Cafasso is an old pathetic man, with no accomplishments. And no claim to fame but hatred, vitriole, and a passion for ruining peoples' lives. Not to mention credit card fraud and claiming military medals... Popping up where there is government humanitarian aid, Joe depicts himself the hero, ready to cash in!! And this is why we need to know when and where the money changes hands. Although to our knowledge he doesn't have a car, he does have some expenses, like his tobacco habit. The money has to come from somewhere! Could it be Presbyterian ministers play for his train tickets now, instead of his poor mother, God rest her soul?
Joe garnered a whopping 99% of the votes over Jack Idema here as the greatest con artist....hence, the name of this blog.
Whereas at his own blog, Joe had the lead with over 90% of the vote on his own website! But what do you expect? That is where he spent his hours poring through things in order to twist them to trash Idema while he was in prison. That is where he spent long hours online in chatrooms, pointing people to it, attempting to drive traffic to it. What a pathetic blowhard.
Now that Idema has left Afghanistan, we haven't heard a peep out of the little whining windbag of a coward.
Cafasso showed up long enough online to change the background of his blog to make certain that people know he's still running about. The Carteret Con Artist blog was a hat tip to his previous design. His changing the background of his blog reveals that he doesn't appreciate the age-old sentiment that 'imitation is the highest form of flattery'.
Yes, Joe, we know you're still there. Yes, we know you were afraid and crying to whoever would listen that the FBI told you to 'lay low'. I surmise you don't have to do that anymore, considering you think Jack isn't there in the U.S.
You look like hell. Lost a significant amount of weight, too. It's no wonder, when your paranoia ran your life for so long. You claimed you were dying, like Ed Artis did, after you heard Idema was released. No doubt you were making appeals for cash with that fraudulent sob story.
When did the money change hands? Or more succinctly, when did the promise of the money you thought you were supposed to get disappear? Enquiring minds want to know!
It's fitting that so many women were behind this, Joe, considering what you've done to them.
The background of Joe's blog has changed, but his name, his game, his ruse, his cons are still the same. He found a success formula, and it works long enough for him to accomplish his goals. But now there are some people interested in Joe getting some jail time.
And we all pray that day comes soon. Sleep well, my friend. The days are growing short.
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