Let's review -traversing the mind of a nutbag:
Cafasso claimed to be numerous things that he wasn't and was thoroughly exposed in the New York Times as a fraud, and a huckster.
Add Kathryn Cramer to the mix some time later; when he was masquerading as Gerry Blackwood in the hallowed halls of Academe at Columbia University, using her MAC laptop. Add to that, the question of $20 grand that Cramer claims Cafasso bilked her out of.
Add to that the questionable behavior with the Presbyterian ministries both in Lombard, Illinois and in Mississippi.
Add to that, the totally fabricated resume, looking for work.
And this resume when he was pretending to be Lt. Col. Gerry Blackwood, a man who doesn't exist.
All in all, it's not a favorable overall picture we're seeing of the infamous con artist, who has been jailed in the past for nonpayment of child support.
Cafasso has laid claim to all of these--being: a lawyer, a marine specialist, a harbor master, a surveyor, an architect, a White House staff member, a Lieutenant Colonel in Delta Force, a Colonel in CENTCOM, a doctor, a nuclear physicist, a biological weapons specialist, a master of martial arts, chief of humanitarian operations around the globe, a specialist in nuclear fission and weapons, a consultant to the United States Senate and Congress, television editor and producer, a pilot, "legistlative director" of the Associated Retired Aviation Professionals, an expert on flight 800, and probably numerous other vocations he's pulled out of his a$$.
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