Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ever been to a soup kitchen?

Joe Cafasso has. He brags about going down to the soup kitchen, and we'd bet that the real reason he goes there is to pinch a free meal, while his lofty friends think 'oh what a fine man he is, volunteering at the soup kitchen!'

Just like the story about killing that kid in Vietnam, and that's why he does humanitarian work now, it's all for show.

Monday, May 28, 2007

How to spot a con artist II

Provide by the American Associtation of Retired Persons
Washington, D.C.

How to Spot a Con Artist

Paraphrased and edited to accommodate the unique personality of the Carteret Con Artist, our one and only Joe Cafasso.

The clever con artist is a good actor who disarms his victims with an affable 'nice guy' approach. Most people who have met Cafasso say that is how he comes across to begin with, it is only later on, when people have caught onto his game, that he becomes a nasty vicious and physically violent psycho.

Behind his initially friendly exterior, Cafasso is a shrewd psychologist who isolates potential victims and breaks down their resistance to his proposals. Each conquest is a part of a game in which he must 'best' his fellow man or in a lot of cases, woman. Cafasso, like the typical con artist, is amoral, with an excellent sense of timing. He believes that his victims deserve their fate. If caught, he'll probably strike again later. Con artists are seldom rehabilitated.

The Victim

Anyone can be a victim-even a person who considers himself too intelligent or sophisticated to be 'conned'. During the 1920's, "Yellow Kid" Weil routinely swindled bankers, saying 'That's where the money is." Many victims share certain characteristics. Often but not always, they are older, female, and live alone. Cafasso has succeeded in illustrating that point, time and again. They are trusting of others - even strangers - and may need or desire supplemental income. This explains how he ingratiates himself to married women, and promises them work, when he hasn't had a job himself for a very long time. Unless you include his 'humanitarian efforts', which seem to be disguise for something else.

Loneliness, willingness to help, and a sense of charity are characteristics a con artist will exploit to gain a victim's cooperation.

The con artist ultimately will exploit his victim's assets - including life insurance benefits, pensions or annuities, 'nest eggs', home equity, or other tangible property. And he'll usually obtain the willing cooperation of his victim to complete his scheme.

Key Words
A con artist is difficult to detect by looks alone. But you can often spot him by his words or expressions, including:

Why is cash necessary for a proposed transaction? Why not a check?
Why are you being asked not to tell anyone?
Any scheme should be carefully investigated.
A 'retired' swindler once said that any time you are promised something for nothing, you usually get nothing.
Make sure they aren't a 'come-on' to draw you into a money-losing scheme.
Be wary of any pressure that you must act immediately or lose out.
If something is worthwhile today, it's likely to be available tomorrow.
Such a scheme is probably not good or true.
If it's a chance worth taking, why is it offered on such short notice?
Left-over materials might also be stolen or defective.


The list of fraudulent schemes is endless, but some of the more common con games involve:





Some Rules

The Con Game

Most successful con games are old schemes updated for today's circumstances. The old 'salting the gold mine' scheme is still being practiced, for example, but today's 'salting' occurs in living rooms, not abandoned mines.

In the old ruse, you may remember, unscrupulous mine owners would place a few gold nuggets in exhausted mines so they could sell them for inflated profits. In one recent scheme a con artist bought six color television sets at the regular price from a retail store, then sold them, still in their cartons, to six prominent local persons for one-fifth of their original price. Later, he hired several high school students as telephone solicitors to sell 'carloads' of TV sets purchased new from a bankrupt retail chain. When potential customers balked, the con artist used as references the original six customers who had been 'salted.' Before the police were alerted, he collected almost $60,000.

The old 'bank examiner' scheme is still around and working well, particularly among older widows. The con artist, posing as a bank examiner, asks the victim to help him test the honesty of bank employees by withdrawing substantial funds. When the funds are handed over to the con artist for 'examination,' he issues the victim an official-looking but worthless 'receipt' and disappears.

Postal authorities warn citizens to be alert for mail order swindles such as phony work-at-home schemes which require cash deposits or payments. Among all arenas for swindle activity, these are probably the most active and productive for the con artist.

Joe Cafasso will file complaints with the USPIS, because the postal service is one of the agencies who will listen to him. What names he uses in order to file these complaints are unknown to us at this time.

How to spot a con artist

I thought it would be appropros to link to the Secretary of State website of Georgia and warn people about how to spot a con artist. The Secretary of State website is warning people about investments but if they're visiting here, they must have an interest in the incredible adventures of our man, Joe Cafasso aka a million aliases we can't even keep track of. So I've paraphrased some of the tips given there.

Rule Number 1: Con Artists Do Not Like To Be Found

Con artists know that being themselves hurts business. Effective con artists must disguise their true motives. Whether your first contact with the con artist is through an unsolicited email or telephone call or a stranger ringing your doorbell, the con artist takes great pains to look, sound and speak like you or me. Often, con artists like to blend in with others in your group whether that group is political, community (such as the local senior center), religious or other. They quickly get to know a lot of people in the group so they can count on this common bond to spread the word about their questionable investments and reel in unsuspecting investors and/or victims for whatever schemes they're cooking up.

Rule Number 2: Con Artists Dress For Success

Even though con artists would like you to believe that they are "just plain folk," they are smart enough to realize that this alone will not sway you to part with your money or heart. They work very hard to come across as smooth, professional and successful. They might even talk about having a clipper ship at Bannister's wharf! Con artists may dress like they are wealthy and make it appear as though they work out of impressive looking offices or Universities. If your only contact is by email, it may bear a prestigious sounding address. Often, this is nothing more than a email like hotmail. So be careful when Cafasso uses a capital police email address that's at hotmail! Use your brains! Your best bet is to look behind the surface and do some serious investigating before you befriend this individual, and particularly if he's asking you to part with any money.

Rule Number 3: Con Artists Often Appeal to the Dreamer

Never give someone control over your purse strings or credit cards, even if he says the FBI is going to pick up the tab.

Con artists appeal to the dreamer in you. Many people secretly believe that Horatio Alger’s rags-to-riches story can become a reality for them -- if only they get the right break. Con artists will only sabotage your dreams. They promise you the chance of a lifetime without giving you any meaningful written information, will promise you the moon and the stars, only to disappear with your valuables in a short period of time in a puff of smoke.

Rule Number 4: Con Artists Bring Out The Worst In You

Skilled con artists can bring out your worst traits, particularly greed, fear, and insecurity. Fear comes into play when the con artist warns you that you're "rocking the boat." The worst possible line you can fall for is 'trust me'. Con artists try to make you feel inadequate if you don’t believe them. In addition, con artists know how to make you believe that if you lack confidence in them, this is a personal slight to their abilities. If you find yourself making any decisions based only on your emotions, watch out!

Rule Number 5: Con Artists Are Fair Weather Friends

Before you get to know them, con artists are very friendly and can be very charming. They take a personal interest in you out of the blue. They call back when they promised they would. Each time, they tell you even more good things, which could be completely made up. You may feel you’re being pressured. You are. Face it. Despite his or her kind words, the con artist will do anything in his or her power to make a sale. Too often, contact with the con artist dwindles and then stops altogether, once he's squeezed what he wants from you. If you cannot get answers to your questions, this may signal danger. Always be careful. Always ask questions and expect straight forward answers.

Rule Number 6: For Every Silver Lining, There Is A Cloud

And that is true with the world of Joe Cafasso; no matter what alias he is using at the moment. Be careful of a guy with an eyepatch, an Indiana Jones hat, a cane, or any combination. Be careful of a guy who complains about physical ailments and needing an operation; that might be the signal that he's about to split on you. And most of all, don't fall for the line that he's dying, because all he's really dying for is his next mark!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

the stalking and harrassment continues

Notice the picture in the upper lefthand corner. This picture was photoshopped and was sent to Cao over the Christmas holiday from Joe's email address, wishing her a Merry Talibanmas or something like that. Getting no answer, he threw a tantrum and put this up at Joe Cafasso's Stuporpatriots blog in January.

Apparently upset that he STILL didn't get the desired response, the next phase of his stalking of her seems to be this:

The newest development is the discovery of more of what appears to be Cafasso's handiwork. Click to enlarge the image above that was found at technorati. What he's referencing is a blog of his own creation, which he has since deleted. It is an imitation blog made of 'your worst nightmare' including someone's personal information, and the allegation that there is a criminal record. It is also among the pictures rotating in the sidebar where Cafasso has stolen Lynn Thomas' identity. This is what is called identity fraud.

The offending imitation blog is no longer there. The imitation blog was your-worst-nightmare, and the real blog is yourworst-nightmare. The authors of all the Cafasso blogs are not all known to this writer, unfortunately. We are a 'blog swarm', and a few of us communicate with Cao (me and 10-31, and I think 10-31 is in touch with a few others), but aside from that, we're not organized in any real sort of a way except that we share one interest: in seeing justice served on Joe Cafasso where the instances of harrassment and theft, credit card fraud, child support delinquency, stolen property and numerous other crimes need to be answered for.

It is interesting that he is attempting to tie Cao in with a number of people who are trying to expose him, perhaps even accusing the other bloggers of being Cao herself. Doesn't he recognize all the the people he has left devastated in his destructive wake who are interested in seeing justice served???? He just left Mississippi, how many did he leave behind there? How many did he leave behind in New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island? How many did he leave behind in Louisiana?

Now we have that completely false and defamatory information up at technorati, private information that he obtained through an autotrack report, and another example of the abuse of Locateplus's autotrack report. Once again he has used that information and put it out there for public consumption, although the imitation blog is gone.

Monday, May 21, 2007

This blog was in response to Cafasso's claims

This blog, [Carteret Con Artist] was created in October of 2006 in direct response to the lies, hysteria and hyperbole of Stuporpatriots, which was put up as far as we can tell, in March of 2005.

For over a year the lies at that blog went unanswered, and for too long Joe Cafasso has been allowed to run loose, leaving destruction in his wake. Cafasso's campaign of deception goes far beyond his obsesssed campaign against Jack Idema.

This is why Cafasso should be investigated:
  • His claims of military prowess, medals, etc.
  • His stalking and harassment of women
  • His physical assaults against women
  • His attempts at getting his hands on federal grant money of Christian ministries
  • His flashing a Vatican passport
  • His claims that he is associated with Knightsbridge International
  • His claims that he has committed war crimes
  • His claims that he has a top secret white house clearance
  • His use of numerous aliases
  • Credit card fraud
  • His theft of personal property and killing a dog
And those are just off the top of my head.

here is the answer

See Cafasso's blog as proof that he has done what he can to stalk Idema. He published Joe Cafasso's letter to Jack Idema at that blog, claiming responsibility for Jack Idema's imprisonment in Afghanistan:

Monday, July 24, 2006
A Personal Letter to Jack Idema….
DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas of COWS BLOC!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders looks like our hero boy and his trash mouth girl friend are at it again. So we asked someone dear to Jackbo to write him a personal letter….

A Personal Letter to Jack Idema….

Hi Jack! Enjoying prison? You are getting everything you deserve plus some. Let it be known that it was never Ed Artis nor Bob Morris who had you hunted down and arrested but just little old me. And if there is anything else I can do to make sure you serve out your prison term I will. We both come from the same cut Jack, except what I was doing was not for fame and glory unlike you.

As far as I am concerned you need an extension ladder to crawl out of the gutter. I know for a fact you are as about as phoney as they come. You see Jack I have perosnal letters from the so-called Generals you worked with basically saying you were full of it and were never an advisor to the Northern Front. The evidence against you is just overwhelming. Please send a Carabolla TV crew to me so I can have all of this documented. Talk about Edward Carabolla and Ted Kavanagh… You just love to use people Jack especially those in there 70’s and 80’s. Just like you used Robin Moore. How do you sleep nights?

Yes Jack I know it was Ted Kavanagh who hired John Tiffany. I know it was Ted Kavanagh who got Peter Bergen to lower his standards and write about you. Please have Peter Bergen contact me I would just love to sit down with him and show him what I got! You have to wonder why CNN, CBS, MSNBC and the rest of the Networks will have nothing to do with you? They know the truth! How many reporters can you threaten Jack? How many people can you defame?

Those of us who know the truth on how you scammed the US Embassy in Tashkent know the real Jack Idema. You have caused many people harm in the past and now your getting yours in return. So what do you and Ms. Thomas do since you can’t show any evidence? Defame others. Nice try Jack! But you are too well known for this tactic. Please come home soon I am waiting for the day you return so I can drag you into court and prove once and for all just how much your full of it.

As far as Ms. Thomas here is concerned it was also me who wrote to and called Allstate Insurance having you banned from using Allstate Computers to defame others. Yes Ms. Thomas I was at Tribeca to see the opening of “Beyond the Call”. A story about real American Hero’s.. Not like you Jack… Not like the dream and lie you live but three guys who shoes you could never fill.

Ms. Thomas. To bad the guy with the eye patch was not me. But I was proudly standing next to him for a while. Believe me it was my honor.. Again Ms. Thomas you speak without knowledge just because you enjoy propelling a lie as in Jack Idema.

So Jack why not just do what everyone has asked? Get a certified letter from the Army Inspector Generals Office shutting me up? Never going to happen Jack…. and I will never shut about about you. That’s because your full of it Jack. And everyone from Robin Moore to the SFA knows it. This is also the reason why you can’t prove anything in Court because if you could you would not be where you are right now. And you would have had standing in the Fox News Lawsuit. A law suit you have repeatedly lost. BTW Jack how much money do you owe some of the other parties? I laugh at you calling everyone else frauds while you are in prison now twice buying the services you now use.

Remember one thing Jack it was me who had that Detain On Sight Order come out and it was me who helped put you away. This was for the many you have hurt in the past.

So Jack while you once again seem to be enjoying the privileges of a Sat Phone to throw the BS around of which you and Mr. Tiffany just love to propel enjoy it while it lasts.

Enjoy Prison that is where you belong and where you will end up back in the States.

See you in Hell Jack!
Joe Cafasso

This letter makes a lot more sense now, in retrospect...investigate Joe Cafasso!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

False claims of military service

Joe and the rest of the idiots should take note of what laws Joe Cafasso has violated, including the Stolen Valor Act of 2005.

What follows is a part the Federal False Claims Act, and by all appearances, Joe Cafasso is guilty of having done this, because he was circulating his fake retired Lt. Col. schtick under the ficitious name of Gerry Blackwood, just last year, in 2006. Perhaps it is too late to get him under the Stolen Valor Act of 2005, because he assumed another name and identity in order to do the same thing he did with Fox under his real name, Joe Cafasso.

As a sidenote, it would appear as though his denials and revisions at Wikipedia are solely designed to avoid any legal repurcussions of his fraudulent military claims; but let us not forget that he has attempted to defraud Presbyterian Ministries in Mississippi of their grant money, trying to obtain bank account numbers, after trying to elbow his way in as Director of Development. When he didn't get away with that, he called a number of federal agencies with complaints, trying to appear as a whistleblower, when all he really is -is a two-bit hack con artist who didn't get away with that scam.

But just the fact that he keeps trying to do it means that it must work at least a part of the time. So what we're interested in is when he actually succeeds and is able to line his pocket with stolen funds that were meant for another purpose.

Colonel Cafasso, has claimed to be a highly decorated Delta Force Commando, who has been awarded three Silver Stars for Valor in Combat, Air Medals for Valor, at least one Bronze Star for Valor, and participated in Operation Eagle Claw- the Delta Force rescue attempt of American hostages in Iran.

US Code: TITLE 31 > SUBTITLE III > CHAPTER 37 > SUBCHAPTER III > § 3729. — False claims.

From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access
[Laws in effect as of January 7, 2003]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
January 7, 2003 and December 19, 2003]
[CITE: 31USC3729]





Sec. 3729. False claims

(a) Liability for Certain Acts.--Any person who--
(1) knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, to an officer
or employee of the United States Government or a member of the Armed
Forces of the United States a false or fraudulent claim for payment
or approval;
(2) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false
record or statement to get a false or fraudulent claim paid or
approved by the Government;
(3) conspires to defraud the Government by getting a false or
fraudulent claim allowed or paid;
(4) has possession, custody, or control of property or money
used, or to be used, by the Government and, intending to defraud the
Government or willfully to conceal the property, delivers, or causes
to be delivered, less property than the amount for which the person
receives a certificate or receipt;
(5) authorized to make or deliver a document certifying receipt
of property used, or to be used, by the Government and, intending to
defraud the Government, makes or delivers the receipt without
completely knowing that the information on the receipt is true;
(6) knowingly buys, or receives as a pledge of an obligation or
debt, public property from an officer or employee of the Government,
or a member of the Armed Forces, who lawfully may not sell or pledge
the property; or
(7) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false
record or statement to conceal, avoid, or decrease an obligation to
pay or transmit money or property to the Government,

is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not
less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000, plus 3 times the amount of
damages which the Government sustains because of the act of that person,
except that if the court finds that--
(A) the person committing the violation of this subsection
furnished officials of the United States responsible for
investigating false claims violations with all information known to
such person about the violation within 30 days after the date on
which the defendant first obtained the information;
(B) such person fully cooperated with any Government
investigation of such violation; and
(C) at the time such person furnished the United States with the
information about the violation, no criminal prosecution, civil
action, or administrative action had commenced under this title with
respect to such violation, and the person did not have actual
knowledge of the existence of an investigation into such violation;

the court may assess not less than 2 times the amount of damages which
the Government sustains because of the act of the person. A person
violating this subsection shall also be liable to the United States
Government for the costs of a civil action brought to recover any such
penalty or damages.
(b) Knowing and Knowingly Defined.--For purposes of this section,
the terms ``knowing'' and ``knowingly'' mean that a person, with respect
to information--
(1) has actual knowledge of the information;
(2) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the
information; or
(3) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the

and no proof of specific intent to defraud is required.
(c) Claim Defined.--For purposes of this section, ``claim'' includes
any request or demand, whether under a contract or otherwise, for money
or property which is made to a contractor, grantee, or other recipient
if the United States Government provides any portion of the money or
property which is requested or demanded, or if the Government will
reimburse such contractor, grantee, or other recipient for any portion
of the money or property which is requested or demanded.
(d) Exemption From Disclosure.--Any information furnished pursuant
to subparagraphs (A) through (C) of subsection (a) shall be exempt from
disclosure under section 552 of title 5.
(e) Exclusion.--This section does not apply to claims, records, or
statements made under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 978; Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2,
Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3153; Pub. L. 103-272, Sec. 4(f)(1)(O), July 5,
1994, 108 Stat. 1362.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Revised Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large)
3729................................. 31:231. R.S. Sec. 3490.

In the section, before clause (1), the words ``a member of an armed
force of the United States'' are substituted for ``in the military or
naval forces of the United States, or in the militia called into or
actually employed in the service of the United States'' and ``military
or naval service'' for consistency with title 10. The words ``is
liable'' are substituted for ``shall forfeit and pay'' for consistency.
The words ``civil action'' are substituted for ``suit'' for consistency
in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.
The words ``and such forfeiture and damages shall be sued for in the
same suit'' are omitted as unnecessary because of rules 8 and 10 of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.). In clauses (1)-(3),
the words ``false or fraudulent'' are substituted for ``false,
fictitious, or fraudulent'' and ``Fraudulent or fictitious'' to
eliminate unnecessary words and for consistency. In clause (1), the
words ``presents, or causes to be presented'' are substituted for
``shall make or cause to be made, or present or cause to be presented''
for clarity and consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words. The
words ``officer or employee of the Government or a member of an armed
force'' are substituted for ``officer in the civil, military, or naval
service of the United States'' for consistency in the revised title and
with other titles of the Code. The words ``upon or against the
Government of the United States, or any department of the United States,
or any department or officer thereof'' are omitted as surplus. In clause
(2), the word ``knowingly'' is substituted for ``knowing the same to
contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement or entry'' to eliminate
unnecessary words. The words ``record or statement'' are substituted for
``bill, receipt, voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, affidavit,
or deposition'' for consistency in the revised title and with other
titles of the Code. In clause (3), the words ``conspires to'' are
substituted for ``enters into any agreement, combination, or
conspiracy'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``of the United
States, or any department or officer thereof'' are omitted as surplus.
In clause (4), the words ``charge'', ``or other'', and ``to any other
person having authority to receive the same'' are omitted as surplus. In
clause (5), the words ``document certifying receipt'' are substituted
for ``certificate, voucher, receipt, or other paper certifying the
receipt'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``arms, ammunition,
provisions, clothing, or other'', ``to any other person'', and ``the
truth of'' are omitted as surplus. In clause (6), the words ``arms,
equipments, ammunition, clothes, military stores, or other'' are omitted
as surplus. The words ``member of an armed force'' are substituted for
``soldier, officer, sailor, or other person called into or employed in
the military or naval service'' for consistency with title 10. The words
``such soldier, sailor, officer, or other person'' are omitted as

References in Text

The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, referred to in subsec. (e), is
classified generally to Title 26, Internal Revenue Code.


1994--Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 103-272 substituted ``1986'' for
1986--Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(1), designated existing
provisions as subsec. (a), inserted subsec. heading, and substituted
``Any person who'' for ``A person not a member of an armed force of the
United States is liable to the United States Government for a civil
penalty of $2,000, an amount equal to 2 times the amount of damages the
Government sustains because of the act of that person, and costs of the
civil action, if the person'' in introductory provisions.
Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(2), substituted ``United
States Government or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States''
for ``Government or a member of an armed force''.
Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(3), inserted ``by the
Government'' after ``approved''.
Subsec. (a)(4). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(4), substituted ``control of
property'' for ``control of public property'' and ``by the Government''
for ``in an armed force''.
Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(5), substituted ``by the
Government'' for ``in an armed force'' and ``true;'' for ``true; or''.
Subsec. (a)(6). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(6), substituted ``an officer
or employee of the Government, or a member of the Armed Forces,'' for
``a member of an armed force'' and ``property; or'' for ``property.''
Subsec. (a)(7). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(7), added par. (7).
Subsecs. (b) to (e). Pub. L. 99-562, Sec. 2(7), added subsecs. (b)
to (e).

Increased Penalties for False Claims in Defense Procurement

Pub. L. 99-145, title IX, Sec. 931(b), Nov. 8, 1985, 99 Stat. 699,
provided that: ``Notwithstanding section 3729 of title 31, United States
Code, the amount of the liability under that section in the case of a
person who makes a false claim related to a contract with the Department
of Defense shall be a civil penalty of $2,000, an amount equal to three
times the amount of the damages the Government sustains because of the
act of the person, and costs of the civil action.''
[Section 931(c) of Pub. L. 99-145 provided that section 931(b) is
applicable to claims made or presented on or after Nov. 8, 1985.]

Section Referred to in Other Sections

This section is referred to in sections 3730, 3731, 3732, 3733 of
this title; title 10 section 2324; title 15 sections 637, 657a; title 20
section 1078-9; title 41 section 256; title 42 section 1395i.

Joe Cafasso's resume as Gerry Blackwood, revisited

Joe Cafasso wasn't all that smart when he sent this resume around. He committed a crime, which others have been brought up on charges for, when he claimed all of these things:
Gerry is a retired Lt. Colonel serving with the U.S. Army for 26 years.
But he has the unmitigated gall to go far beyond that ridiculous claim:
Gerry served with the 179th Military Brigade/MACVSOG Command and Control South SVN, 1970-1972.
Wow, what a surprise, we have another complete fabrication. Joe Cafasso is only 50 years old. He was born on August 2, 1956 and will be turning 51 in August of this year. He is simply NOT OLD ENOUGH to have served in any capacity during that period; except maybe STUDY HALL in High School. He should have still been in High School during the 1970-1972 period! Although there is speculation as to whether or not he graduated at all, considering his poorly developed grammar and writing skills. If he graduated, he would have graduated High School in 1974 or thereabouts (presuming he didn't flunk a grade). When you consider his inability to get along with people, I would further speculate that he had problems, not only at home, but in the neighborhood and school, during those years.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) 1972-1980 at various overseas posts. NATO Nuclear Liaison Officer 1980-1985.
Ridiculous! To our knowledge, he doesn't even own a passport, under this fictitious identity that he's manufactured, or his own! He has never been out of the country at all.
After Gerry's assignment with NATO he returned to a special assignment at CIA and Center Lane.
Anyone who REALLY KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS what he's talking about here should be on the floor laughing. Center Lane was completely abandoned shortly after it was begun. It was about 'remote viewing'. An explanation of what that is follows:

This is from Tim Rifat's book on remote viewing available at Amazon:

Remote viewing is the ability to travel psychically out of one's body to remote locations....At the height of the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the United States developed a new and terrible form of warfare called psychotronics. This school of espionage used ESP and psychic spying as well as telepathic hypnosis and even remote killing. Tim Rifat provides scientific explanations of how remote viewing works and detailed instructions on how to learn the techniques-information that is taught in the US on courses costing many thousands of dollars.

It was so terrible, so lethal, that it was discontinued! But it should also be noted that Tim Rifat claims to be an expert on remote viewing; when a rational person would recognize this as complete hogwash. It would be great fodder for a science fiction book, though, perhaps it was one of the reasons that Kathryn Cramer fell for his line of BS?

If it worked so well, why aren't they doing it anymore? It was also referred to as Grill Flame, Sun Streak or Stargate by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by the CIA. I wouldn't imagine there is NOT a lot of science behind this. It sounds more like hocus pocus, on Star Trek; something a science fiction writer like Cramer would come up with. Cafasso seriously thinks that people are going to believe this hooey?

By the early 1990s the program was plagued by uneven management, poor unit morale, divisiveness within the organization, poor performance, and few accurate results. The FY 1995 Defense Appropriations bill directed that the program be transferred to CIA, with CIA instructed to conduct a retrospective review of the program. In 1995 the American Institutes for Research (AIR) was contracted by CIA to evaluate the program. Their 29 September 1995 final report was released to the public 28 November 1995. A positive assessment by statistician Jessica Utts, that a statistically significant effect had been demonstrated in the laboratory [the government psychics were said to be accurate about 15 percent of the time], was offset by a negative one by psychologist Ray Hyman [a prominent CSICOP psychic debunker]. The final recommendation by AIR was to terminate the STAR GATE effort. CIA concluded that there was no case in which ESP had provided data used to guide intelligence operations.

It wasn't even called Centerlane anymore by then.

When Army funding ended in late 1985, the unit was redesignated SUN STREAK and transferred to DIA's Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate, with the office code DT-S.

So I suppose he might have the timing right, if nothing else. During the early 1980's, it was called Centerlane.

As far as we know, and we could be wrong, there were only a little over 40 people involved in the program over its entire lifespan, with just 23 remoted viewers, some who demonstrated a high level of psychic ability, and some who were connected with Scientology. This is not something to brag about, Joe, DUH!

Here is the piece de la resistance for Blackwood's resume, as if Centerlane wasn't enough:
Currently, Gerry holds a DOD Top Secret SSBI, Yankee White, DOE Q Clearance and Cosmic Top Secret/ATOMAL (Nato)
So Joseph "Jay" Cafasso wants everyone to believe that he has access to the Whitehouse with a Yankee White clearance.

Seriously, Mr. Bill, the Secret Service should be very interested in that claim. The military and others who have used Cafasso as a source should be interested in finding out if he ever tried to squeeze money out of the government based on his military expertise or more succinctly, a military record that he completely fabricated out of thin air!

In short, Cafasso's escapades under his different aliases should be investigated. Joseph "Jay" Cafasso should be under investigation; a Grand Jury hearing should be impaneled. His numerous crimes should be exposed, and personally, I think some news outlets should pick this up - this is big news, along the lines of Frank Abegnale.

By claiming that he has a top secret ATOMAL clearance, he is claiming he has access to classified information that could damage or endanger national security if in the wrong hands. I would say Cafasso's hands are the wrong hands, he has NONE OF THIS expertise! He doesn't have a phd or any of the things he claims in this fake resume. Gerry Blackwood doesn't even exist; it's a completely fabricated persona he invented!

Mr. Bill,, Joe Cafasso should not only get jail time for defrauding Kathryn Cramer out of $20 grand, but he should get jail time for claiming military experience that he hasn't, and be turned over to the Secret Service for questioning. The Fox News job is one where he was hired completely under false pretenses. He is not a Lt. Colonel, never was a Lt. Colonel, and is not military in any way shape or fashion except in his overly fertile imagination.

Anyone who stands up and says 'the reason I work with Knightsbridge International is because I killed a kid in Vietnam' - when he wasn't in Vietnam, isn't old enough to have spent any time in Vietnam, spent only 44 days in the army before getting kicked out for unsuitable service, should have his head examined. He needs to seriously spend some time with a psychiatrist, on meds, in a padded room! And take the people who fell for his lines with him!

Paging Mr. Bill and the people in North Carolina!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Joe Cafasso is having a meltdown, call Bellevue

Amidst the odd undertakings of our pathetic stalker Joe Cafasso, is the mysterious deletion of the blogs "Tiffany-Twisted" and Your Worst Nightmare (a copy of this one). This post was written in November of 2006, but I held onto it to publish at a more likely, more felicitous occasion. Time has a wonderful way of presenting opportunities, and so, here's a love letter of sorts to Joe, who should know by now that his time as a free man is probably very short.

Now, Joe is accustomed to having the upper hand, as most of us know. Or at least he liked to THINK he has the upper hand. He uses threats, intimidation and brutality, lies and obfuscation to achieve it. Interestingly, now, the tables have turned and that's hit a nerve. He is now officially 'out of control'. Instead of acting like the gent who's always thinking (that most people know), he's now acting like an hysterical fishwife yelling out of a window. We assume that this imaginative website was the handiwork of Cafasso because they have his signature fingerprints all over them and mention certain individuals who he carries on about at Stuporpatriots.

"Tiffany-Twisted" was devoted to Cafasso, Robert Gates, Jack Idema, Lynn Thomas, and others. The purpose seemed to be solely in order to confuse the truth about Cafasso which seems to be sneaking out all over the internet, despite his threats and illegal actions. Cafasso is taking the same tired old action we've seen in the past against the people he thinks might be onto him and completely fed up with his crap.

Like the people at Fox News were.

Here's the thing; he doesn't know how many of them there really are. He can't change his modus operendi from the methodology which has worked for so long, because he's stuck. He's not flexible. He can't improvise, adapt and overcome. He found a success formula, isn't working anymore, so he's doing precisely that which he's quoted himself; the definition of insanity. He's doing the same thing over and over again now, expecting different results. Even though it's clear he wants to send a message to anyone who might be thinking of revealing his true nature, the simple facts which have grown into a mountain of bs only a bovine could love. What do skiiers do when an avalanche starts? What are they instructed to do? They're instructed to get the hell out of there because you can't stop an avalanche once the sound has reverberated through the mountains; the momentum only builds, you could get killed from the falling snow. But Joe defies the laws of nature, he knows perfectly well all that he's done; and the laws he's broken in order to accomplish his goals, the false stories he's spread, the conversations he's had with himself on the internet under different pseudonyms, and the endless energy he's spent in order to hurt other people. But to have people point it out? Gee, it looks as though we're not supposed to do that in Joe Cafasso's world. He's supposed to continue getting away with it, right??? WRONG.

He has committed identity theft, but regurgitates the same terms we've read time and again at Stuporpatriots regarding other people; repeats the same problems with grammar and contractions, accuses women of having Jack Idema for their boyfriend, when they've caught onto his little game. Much like Kathryn Cramer, who calls people who've caught onto Cafasso's game people who've been 'brainwashed' by the other side or had a conversion experience to the Jack Idema Cult.

Whilst I'm on the subject, we should remember the strange bedfellows they keep...and that what they accuse others of doing, they're oftentimes guilty of having done themselves.

It's the same tired tripe we've heard from both of them elsewhere, and it must be disturbing that people are beginning to respond to the two of them like people did in the fable about the little boy crying "Wolf". Cafasso is like a broken record and this type of thing is very recognizable, regardless as to the name he uses. His hysteria is merely growing as the appearance and disappearance of sites like these tells us.

There is a never-ending stream of personal attacks on people and malicious lies from this man, all online, some offline, using other underhanded devious methods, such as having mail re-routed and other crimes. Just on the one hand you can add up the federal offences, which then move over to the other hand. It is odd that he doesn't realize that it's unacceptable behavior; perhaps because he's been getting away with it for so long. Funny thing is, he's boxing himself in with his own disreputable behavior, and doesn't even recognize it. This is a man who's losing his marbles! Although it would seem that by not recognizing or caring that his behavior is criminal, he started out with one or two missing, anyway.

Tiffany-Twisted was targeting Jack Idema supporters such as John Tiffany, and the "Your Worst Nightmare" solely targets Lynn Thomas from Cao's blog. She has been a vocal supporter of our work; as she has been one of the targets, as we've discussed earlier. Each little piece of the story, told by different individuals, is helping us put together the bigger picture. But they're too stupid to keep their mouths shut, and keep running off. Cramer has taken to making a complete fool of herself over Cafasso which would leave one to believe she's a woman scorned. What other possible explanation could there be? Certainly it's not the money she claims he stole from her; that 20 grand, or the computer which she seems to have done nothing about to reclaim.

Joe's psyche is obviously coming apart at the seams. Who's psychotic and homocidal? It's the man who couldn't get his mitts on the Al Qaeda tapes and supported Jack Idema's assassination in order to get them.
“I told [told [CENSORED]…you should have just used a suppressor and blew him [Jack], blew him away,” Cafasso later said during a meeting in Washington, DC.

Apparently, Cafasso and FOX News were upset that CBS 60 Minutes II had obtained captured al-Qaida training footage from the advisor that Cafasso and FOX News had wanted first. Cafasso was willing to go to any lengths to get exclusive FOX coverage, even through an assassination.
(Hunt for Bin Laden, p. 249) Yes, Kathryn, it's not made up, it's for real, your boyfriend really said it, it's on tape.

Seems as though his affinity for identity theft is now surfacing, although he's running around deleting some of these not long after they're put up.

This one is no longer there, but you can take a look and see that the picture he ripped off and stuck in the left hand corner is the same one he has up at Stuporpatriots with his own image photoshopped in with a turban on his head as mini-me. Mini-me will have his personal awakening, his epiphany soon enough-very soon.

new names to be added

I'm going to add these to the header, but we have Tom Adams and Jake Adams as new names Cafasso has been using, maybe insinuating he's somehow involved with Samuel Adams, who knows?

Samuel Adams beer is the Samuel Adams Boston Lager, which seems to fit in with Cafasso's drinking persona, although he seems to favor Jack Daniels. Still, as someone who likes to pretend that he's a member of the big money elite, he might well be trying to pretend he's related to the Samuel Adams family of Revolutionary times, it's hard to say what goes on in this ligger's brain.

Now, the company that produces the Samuel Adams Boston Lager produces 11 varieties of beer...and several special varieties which are seasonal, but it would make sense that Joe would claim that he has some type of heritage like this...he's a narcissist, who along the way, picks up the names of prominent people and then pronounces their affiliations and associations as his own. He's a chameleon of sorts.

the Cafasso story has really only just begun

With more and more people made aware of what Cafasso has been doing to others in his lifetime, including running off, delinquent on his child support payments, and other infractions, it should be interesting to see where he turns up next, or if he just decides to go underground until the heat is off.

By the way, Bicanic has it wrong about Cafasso being 56 years old. Cafasso is not 56; he falsified that number in order to make himself old enough to have gone to Vietnam so that people would believe his story about working with Knightsbridge International as a result of his killing a 14-year-old child when he was in Laos on a black ops mission.

What a bunch of horse hockey.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cafasso's invasion of Presbyterian Relief Missions

Cafasso likes this religious crowd although he really is a Wolf Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Cafasso pretends with all groups - a non-denominational and equal opportunity liar with all!

He told Mississippi Presbyterians he was getting paid by Catholic Charities while embedded there although his roof was free because he slept in a Presbyterian Ministry apartment - ate food on ministry grounds - claimed the Vatican was wiring money to ministry - OF COURSE, that never materialized!

What a joke; a story about our boy is unfolding with the New York diocese! Boy, Joe, you stomped on the wrong Catholics from the Big Apple! You should know better than taking on those who live St. Patrick's but then again - you never did know your way around the circles you pretend to run in, because you don't!

You run when the gig is up, even with NY Catholic Charities!!! They claim Cafasso, while pretending to be Blackwood elsewhere, as Jay Cafasso, waltzed into the Chancery Spring of 2006, claiming he was a Knight of Malta!!! That's a pretty high society in the Roman Catholic Church; but then, like a bum, he said he "wanted to volunteer!" This is laughable, since real Knights have their own organization to volunteer for and are some of the most remarkably successful and wealthy Catholics in the Church!

What were you thinking Cafasso - Didn't you know how transparently fraudulent and stupid you sounded to people? Guess not, because when they told our boy Joe/Jay/Gerry that he would have to fill out a form like any other volunteer - no matter if Cafasso's story SOUNDED A BIT WEIRD and UNBELIEVABLE. - oops, Carasso got a phone call; claiming his phone was "vibrating," (the only thrill he is getting nowadays) so he just had to take the call, walked out to ostensibly take the call and guess what - he turned into Casper - never to be seen again!

Another Gig Up - Joey, Jay, Gerry, Jerry, Mosca, Cafassaro, Cafasso, Adams, Jake, Tom, whatever the hell his name is for Sybil's Reality Show Hour! The stories are rich! A reality show gone bonkers! Now, the Monsiquer and NY Catholic Charities have put out a red alert on our boy! One would have thought that by now - our boy would have known that no Knight of Malta just swaggers in off the street to volunteer??????????? You gotta love this guy - should have asked for a padded cell and maybe he would have had a roof over his head!
Maybe he will turn up with Presbyterians in Kansas! Hang on Toto - Dorothy will protect you - she just has to find what name is next up with Joe/Gerry/Jay/Jerry! Cafasso has a history with the Presbyterians - Louisiana, Mississippi! What's next?

I'm assuming it will be some place like Kansas, where the National Guard and other humanitarian entities are playing...much like Joe's involvement again as "Jay" in New Orleans after Katrina:

The Reflector

Stocking groceries occupies 'Convoy'

By Paul Dunn, The Daily Reflector

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Editor's note: Reporter/photographer Paul Dunn is traveling with a group of Greenville men delivering relief supplies and providing assistance to the area near Thibodaux, La. This is a report on their third day in the field.

THIBODAUX, La. – Despite growing frustration over the pace and substance of the disaster relief effort here, members of Greenville's Cajun Country Convoy kicked themselves into high gear on Monday to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The Greenville men – Dick Carney, 66, of Peace Presbyterian Church; Randy Riddle, 50, of Hollywood Presbyterian Church; Danny Gonzalez, 50, of Covenant United Methodist Church and Homer Tyre, 24, of The Memorial Baptist Church – were partially hampered Monday by President Bush's trip to the Gulf Coast.

Security concerns all but shut down relief missions within a 25-mile radius of the president's entourage, said Jay Cafasso, who is overseeing logistics for the Thibodaux-based religious relief effort, dubbed J2K.

Several members of the convoy were poised to accompany other relief workers into New Orleans on Monday, but were grounded by the president's visit.

The quartet has worked the past couple of days inside the Thibodaux Fireman's Fair Office and Warehouse, which is being used to store donated supplies. Because of the need there, they have been unable to pursue relief missions to nearby hard-hit areas, such as Houma and Grand Isle, both on the Gulf Cost.

And though they're ready for other challenges, the men have toiled with intensity and good humor inside the 40-by-100 brick and corrugated tin building. The Greenville men were called to Thibodaux at the request of the Rev. Bill Crawford of Thibodaux First Presbyterian Church.

Crawford is helping coordinate the joint undertaking between Catholic Community Services and Presbyterian churches affiliated with the Presbyterian Disaster Relief agency.

Since arriving in this southeast Louisiana bayou town of 14,200 on Saturday afternoon, Greenville's relief workers have unloaded supplies, built four 32-foot-long shelving units and stacked and sorted mountains of food, clothing, paper products, tools, cleaners and other items intended for Katrina's victims. Monday, the men united their muscles and brains for the ultimate warehouse push.

The result: "God's Depot South," a Cajun Country Convoy grocery store. They'd decided Monday morning to spend their day stocking the plywood shelving units they'd built the day before, but before they were 30 minutes into their job, Riddle had an idea.

"I know. Let's arrange the food like it was a grocery store," he told the others. "Just think of yourselves as grocery clerks."

Without so much as a dirty word or blink of an eye, the three other men got to it. Soon, the place was an indoor farmer's market waiting to happen.

"I've got corn. I've got carrots. I've got peas, and I've got yams," Riddle sing-songed as he stacked canned vegetables.

Before you knew it, his buddies were needling him, laughing as they did.

"Hey," Riddle responded. "Just call me ‘the grocery store stock boy Nazi.' ”

Little by little, back and leg muscles by back and leg muscles, the shelves began to fill.

A fortress of stacked soup cans anchored the middle of one shelf, an equally impressive barricade of canned vegetables another. Bulk cans occupied their own places of distinction – peas, carrots, soup, ketchup.

Other food species, though lonely in their separateness, were more distinctive: A can of "Robert Rothschild Farm Onion Blossom Horseradish Dip" sat segregated on the shelf, as did a can of "Olde Cape Cod Gourmet Lobster Bisque."

Nearby, 32 cans of sardines in soybean oil waited for a lucky recipient, as did one can of "Tropical Red Papaya in Light Syrup."

Someone would get four packs of Spam, too – perhaps more than they bargained for.

The mere mention of the canned meat, called "Spamtabulous" by its manufacturers, elicited groans from everyone except Tyre, an ex-U.S. Marine.

"Ummm, Spam, that's some good stuff!" he said. "I love Spam."

As the men got the last of the supplies on the shelves, Gonzalez rejoiced.

"I'm kind of running on adrenaline," he said. "I'm tickled to death to get this stuff organized."

The men are hoping for a different kind of adrenaline rush, today.

They're ready to escape the Thibodaux Fireman's Fair Office and Warehouse.

"I'm just kind of dismayed by the effort, so far," Riddle said. "We've accomplished some good things, but we're ready to get out and directly help some people."

Tyre says "mental constipation" is causing the operation to drag. "I think they (organizers) have this Third World attitude here, and the situation is bad, yes, but not like that," he contended. "They're over-thinking."

My personal thanks to incomparable Ms. over at Your Worst Nightmare. So glad you're back.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm so disappointed...

Kathryn Cramer left out this blog [Carteret Con Artist]; the most important out of all the 'sister' blogs that she accuses of 'defaming' Cafasso. Gosh, there is a much larger collection of sourced material here than anywhere else, including Cramer's collection of personal diatribes. From Cao's blog comes an incredibly devastating example of why Wikipedia should be taken with a block of salt:

You are a bald faced liar.

She's talking about Cramer there, and then she goes onto explain why she said that.

Here is an excerpt from her conversation with Jossi at Wikipedia about edits on Joe Cafasso (see here):

I am of two minds about whether to comment here, since I am not a neutral observer. It is notable and fairly well established that Cafasso and Jack Idema have a feud going.

callingforinformation.JPGA feud? The grab from the left is from Kathryn Cramer dot Com. from the sidebar on the right. Click here, and it opens up. Lol…a “feud”; Is that what you call it? The Colonel That Wasn’t stole your computer, lied about who he is, lied about his health, disappeared and turned up in Mississippi and did it to other people, and you put up a ‘call for information’ but it’s Idema and Cafasso that are having a feud? Give me a break.

I would say that the evidence tells me that YOU and Cafasso have a feud going, lol…why are you looking for him, again? Wasn’t it because he lied to you? Doesn’t he lie to everyone? Doesn’t Cafasso ‘have a feud going’ with the WORLD [when people stop believing him]???

Here are few pieces of evidence that can be cited: Idema is known to have co-written Robin Moore’s book The Hunt for Bin Laden (Idema even appers on the cover). (As I recall this is discussed in Robert Young Pelton’s Licensed to Kill.) The book contains an unfavorable discussion of Cafasso. Idema quotes from the book, using it as a reference on his official website ( concerning Cafasso. HOWEVER, if you check the text of the passages Idema quotes, he has rewritten them to claim that Cafasso tried to get him killed. Also, Cafasso was a defendent in one of Idema’s lawsuits. The documents concerning the existence of the law suit are public record on the site of a Los Angeles court. Quotng from public record court docs would be a more appropriate way to document the feud than Caosblog.


Let’s check those passages, shall we? Let’s take a look at the book in question, but let’s also remember how idiotic this woman sounds. Remember, I’m not making up that Cafasso stole her computer, charged an expensive hotel bill on her credit card (which she apparently didn’t check) and that she claims he owes her 20 grand. These are indisputable facts admitted to by Ms. Cramer herself:

I am interested in receiving information concerning the life and activities of former Fox News Military & Counterterrorism Editor Joseph A. Cafasso aka Joe Cafasso, Jay Cafasso, Gerry Blackwood, Gerard Pal Blackwood, Jay Mosca, J. Mosca, James Mosca, Joseph Mosca, Jay Anthony, Tom Adams, and Jake Adams.

He stole my computer and owes me about twenty grand.

Of particular interest are:

* other known aliases
* information concerning debts & unpaid financial obligations
* incidents involving computer equipment or credit cards
* medical conditions
* employment history
* documentation such as photographs, videotapes, audiotapes
* transcripts or other documentation concerning public events he attended
* documents he presented

I’m sure the reason you’re ‘calling for information’ isn’t to ‘defame him’, lol…, right? It’s only anybody else who writes about the guy who is defaming Cafasso, according to you, which puts you in the only privileged position to write about him.

I’m not sure what Cafasso’s being a defendent in one of Idema’s lawsuits has to prove except that since he doesn’t have two pennies to pinch together and is hungry to dip his grubby hands into grants given to Christian ministries, I would imagine he’s pretty angry about that. He reacts very strongly when his lines of BS are no longer accepted or believed by people, we’ve seen that pretty clearly here at his Stuporpatriots blog.

Considering his psychiatric profile, it would seem as though he would be capable of just about anything in retaliation, wouldn’t it? At least to a reasonable person. This is also from your website:

At present he is apparently a very unhappy man, as Mendehall Ministries in Mendenhall, Mississippi (near Jackson) seems to have failed to appreciate his recent involvement in their finances as Director of Development. I’m told he feels very sorry for himself and claims the pressing need for surgery & a lawsuit.

There is so much evidence out there that demonstrates that Cafasso is a very dishonest person, but now, we’re supposed to set all that aside in the case of Jack Idema and listen to Psychos R US.; Cramer, and Cafasso; over the evidence:


Clearly this is another of the numerous examples of Cramer’s lies and defamation of me and Idema and frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of it showing up again and again. Back to the entry at Wikipedia:

Though, in general, I disagree with Jossi’s stance on blogs, Caosblog and its cousins (Tracking Cafasso etc.) are intentionally defamatory of Cafasso. While some of what they have to say about Cafasso is true and sourced, they co-mingle it defamatory nonsense with fact and like Idema they sometimes rewrite material that seems sourced.

Interesting, Kathryn. You mean like in the book “The Hunt For Bin Laden”, right here?


The quote is DIRECTLY OUT OF THE BOOK, you stupid b*** but if you have the first edition printing, which was rushed to press, you won’t see it. Subsequent versions, including the paperback and the MacMillan version, all have that quote EXACTLY AS QUOTED, and nobody at the Superpatriots website rewrote anything.

Where is the comingling of defamatory statements?
I missed that. Just as in the case of the photo album she said I had of her son- that didn’t exist, just as in the case of claiming I was stalking her and her family, and just as in the case of Michael Teague, Mookie Spicoli and all the other examples I’ve talked about here, Kathryn Cramer is not only off-base, she is lying. Either that, or she’s as dumb as a rock, but either way, the results would be the same.

Here is a dingbat that is seriously drawing conclusions on the basis of lies out of Joe Cafasso’s rotting mouth. It was one thing when she didn’t know his identity. But it’s completely another thing now that she knows who he is. what he’s done to numerous people, and is still standing by it. This is amazingly stupid. And Cramer works as a ‘researcher’ for Wolfram Research?

The reason the quote was not complete in the first Random House editions was because the lawyers were confirming the authenticity of the actual taperecordings and matching Cafasso’s voice. They even got outside legal counsel opinions on it to make sure they were covered.

Cafasso lies, Kathryn. You’d think that you would have realized that by now, since he STOLE YOUR COMPUTER and charged a huge hotel bill on your American Express card under completely false pretenses. Cafasso raises hell over complete fabrications-just ask the people at Mendenhall Ministries in Mississippi. You’re fully aware of that, you swallowed the Gerry Blackwood with the patch over his eye story…lol - the “Beyond the Call” story, and numerous others, which don’t exactly paint this guy as a bastion of truth telling, yet for some reason you’re willing to believe he’s telling the truth about Idema.

With all that I’ve put up about Idema, you’d think that someone with even a small pea-brain would be able to figure out that if he was what Cafasso says he is, he would easily have been dead by now. But no, Cafasso is a liar about everything except Idema.

Lie in one, lie in them all.

I know it’s a lot to expect from Kathryn Cramer, but instead of listening to Joe Cafasso’s sob stories, she really ought to get her facts straight.

Kathryn Cramer has absolutely no business editing Wikipedia. Cramer should have been STOPPED from writing her own bio, her husband’s bio, putting up information on Idema, putting up information on Cafasso, and linking to herself. She should not be allowed to create accolades to herself out of thin air. Cramer is entertaining complete fantasies about her alleged literary prowess, which is little more than bad science fiction writing. She has a completely out-of-control imagination; not to mention, an amazing sense of hubris and inability to face reality. Someone with a fertile imagination who can’t discern between reality and fantasy needs some serious psychological help, in my amateur opinion.

But that is where she’s exactly like Joe Cafasso and the two of them completely deserve each other.

There is no greater satisfaction than looking at Cramer - wearing that ugly green bathrobe with mud on her face. That is a picture that I will remember for time immemorial.


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law - Cite This Source

Main Entry: de·fa·ma·tion
Pronunciation: “de-f&-’mA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : communication to third parties of false statements about a person that injure the reputation of or deter others from associating with that person —see also LIBEL, SLANDER New York Times Company v. Sullivan in the IMPORTANT CASES section —compare DISPARAGEMENT, FALSE LIGHT, SLANDER OF TITLE

Friday, May 04, 2007

gonna cut you down

go to stuporpatriots and vote

Joe created a poll on his website, where 18 people have voted that Jack Idema is more of a con artist than Joe Cafasso.

That is amazing unless Joe has done all the voting himself - Jack Idema is fighting for his life, surrounded by 2000 terrorists while Joe Cafasso just got back from scamming Mendenhall Ministries in Mississippi.

Go figure.