Saturday, July 05, 2008

con artists banding together?

The Mitch and Nan Show used information from Stuporpatriots that had been taken down by blogger-but reappeared on a blog post at Stuporpatriots about Pelton's ridiculous book, "License to Kill"-- in order to intimidate Cao of Cao's blog.

Cafasso would rather beat women than fight like a man.  Judging from the phone call that Covington made to Larry Sinclair's mother in an attempt to extort money, it would appear they have a lot in common.

We've seen this before.  It's the same approach that was taken in the past, and it's interesting that Cafasso is so intent on recycling that information.  He may be laughing about the stupidity of the world with his disappearing act, but he's leaving a trail, nevertheless.

We've seen the same presentation on the posts, too.

The Mitch and Nan Show reminds us of Stuporpatriots for a number of reasons.

Take a look at these comparisons, from 10-31 and YWN.

The truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction, and in Cafasso's story, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's somehow managed to have his way with these people - even using another alias.

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