Saturday, May 30, 2009

Where did he go?

He's not at the Porter County Jail.

Do a google search, you won't find a shred of evidence that he was even arrested; google appears to have been wiped clean in the 'news' section.


dan weissmann said...

Fascinating story. I'm a producer at a Northwest Indiana/Chicago radio station. I missed the story of the arrest when it happened, but just found your blog in researching a series on con games. Any chance we could get you on the phone to tell our listeners more about Cafasso? We're (89.5 WBEW), and I'm dan (at) vocalo (dot) org. Thanks!

Rene' said...

He is again living with Andrea Ello in Chesterton. She has not spoke with majority of he family since Feb/March right shortly after they came to her rescue at the end of Jan. 2009 when Cafasso was arrested...she called on her family in Jan after not speaking to them since Aug 08 once Cafasso was arrested seeking their help. They with open arms assisted her only to have her write them off again shortly after...he is out of jail doing community service at a local church...SICK!

Lee said...

He's scamming people here in Haiti. Scammed a poor priest out of his email address (pretended he was from Yahoo), and is now using that email address to try and further his con. Pretends to represent the archbishop of chicago.

Delaware said...

My greatest wish is that some police agency, somewhere in the US, will realize what a menace this man is. I dealt with him in 1996...he is slick. At that time his family had no idea what he was up to...his Mom was a great supporter of him.
Throughout the state of NJ there are people who have experienced his cons first hand. He had business cards for every situation. Lots of us lost money. He also stole a car that was put in an unsuspecting family member's name.
We put people in jail for so much less! Why can no one stop this man? Put him in jail and throw away the key !! PLEASE