Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Joe Cafasso on Depleted Uranium

Could this be when Joe Cafasso put on the facade of having earned a PHD in nuclear physics?

Some of the websites where his stuff is recorded when you know the truth about the man is incredibly humorous. If he weren't such a wank biscuit and utter and total fraud, you might consider what he has to say seriously. Take a look at this; here he represents himself as someone from Slovakia. This is a real hoot; he's never been out of the country or even held a passport. From Truth In Media (ha!)

NEW YORK - Health and Safety Records Questioned

We received the following letter from Marek Grezo, a TiM reader from Slovakia:

“Hello Bob: I have been following you for a while now and always enjoy your updates. We both have friends on the political side of FRY.

As far as Mr. Dolan’s comments to you regarding DU and its history in industry, one has to ask Mr. Dolan what safety regulatory agency was used to ensure that safe compliance of DU was used on Yugoslavs during the bombing campaign, as FEDOSHA and USDOH does, or has done to National Lead of Ohio and Tennessee Eastman? I would be also interested if Mr. Dolan knew the health, safety and environmental records of these companies? They were not good.

By the way, Mr. Dolan seems to think that heavy metal contamination is a lesser of the DU evils. I love to see him subject himself to the concentration that Yugoslav's were "forced" too. Want to bet Mr. Dolan would be suing everyone from A-Z whom even thought of assisting in the delivery of DU Munitions.

Keep up the good work.”

Joe Cafasso, New York

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