Sunday, November 19, 2006

political theology?

What in bloody hell is he talking about?

> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Gerry Blackwood"
> > To:
> > Cc: ; ;
> >
> > Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 5:48 AM
> > Subject: Re: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons
> >
> >
> > Howard, I do not even know why i am going to reply to this and I
> > have to agree with our foreign friends here. This article was
> > written for the sake of taking up space and to spin stories for
> > US Public consumption. It's not factual at all. Now to your
> > points....Anthrax yes is nasty, but Saddam was and is not the
> > only one with it, matter of fact we are the biggest manufacture
> > of this agent as weaponized. The VX issue? Our stockpiles of
> > chemical and nerve agents here in the States make what was
> dumped
> > in the Euphrates look silly and we have leaching problems here
> as
> > well. Yes Saddam proved that he would use weapons like these.
> > While we sat by and not only watched but made sure he had more
> > weapon systems. By the way, the same can be said for our use of
> > the Bomb on Japan. So if we are going to use WMDs to save the
> > lives of our troops, well we set the standard didn't we? Plainly
> > WE screwed up here the order of battle was taken out of order
> for
> > a political theology. That has not helped us on TWOT or with our
> > foreign allies which we do need and as Iraq has proven. Are we
> > any safer than we were? NO not at all.
> >
> > Nuclear? North Korea, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and a few
> > others who have them, want them or are researching them need to
> > be dealt with while we cannot do away with Treaties such as the
> > NPT so we can build Star Wars and low yeild nuclears weapons.
> The
> > same goes for the smuggling of fissile materials and technology.
> > Again we set the standard.
> >
> > We need to be doing much better here and we are not. Sorry for
> > going off subject....... Gerry

But you're a master of manipulation, you go off subject for a purpose; although we can't really see what our purpose is here. Blaming everything on the United States, I suppose. Gerry Blackwood, the expert on nuclear physics...with a phd, I take it. At least my quick perusal of this logger doesn't reveal some of the previous grammatical errors, although it does continue with the anti-war anti-American international theme which contends that America doesn't have the right to defend itself and he tows the leftist line that America's preemptive action is wrong; America has no right to defend herself.

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