Ed Artis starred in a film called "Beyond the Call" about his humanitarian exploits, and Kathryn Cramer is peripherally involved in that project even though her expertise is science fiction rather than documentaries. Interestingly enough, though, I cannot find any of that evidence on the web anymore. Still, she reviewed the film and gave accolades to Ed Artis for his heroic contributions to mankind.
Cafasso showed up at the Tribeca film festival where the film was screened as the Lt. Col. Gerry Blackwood persona with an eyepatch and a cane.
In October of 2007, some people had already put this together regarding Stormer, Cafasso and his Gerry Blackwood personas, as you can see from this comment at No Quarter:
Cafasso showed up at the Tribeca film festival where the film was screened as the Lt. Col. Gerry Blackwood persona with an eyepatch and a cane.
In October of 2007, some people had already put this together regarding Stormer, Cafasso and his Gerry Blackwood personas, as you can see from this comment at No Quarter:
Comment by Kinda Wonder | 2007-10-15 00:14:00
So your expert Robert Stormer, “retired lieutenant commander in the Navy Reserve, serving with the Navy’s Supervisor of Salvage,” blames Doug Brooks for Blackwater’s 9/16 nuclear meltdown and its fallout. Over at Brooks’s place, the Yahoo Private Military Company list, the word is that “Robert Stormer” is the same guy as former PMC list regular “Lt. Col Gerry Blackwood, PhD” who left the list in a huff when someone questioned his military credentials, and who was later claimed to be Joseph A. Cafasso, Jr., the military impostor employed by Fox News in the same era as Larry who left Fox News in a huff when someone questioned his military credentials.
Of course, all of this is ancient history by now, but for those who have just arrived on the scene, Knightsbridge International is a "humanitarian" organization headed by none other than the con named Ed Artis, who also claims to be a "Knight of Malta" and have a Vatican passport. He's also willing to get you one of your very own; for a PRICE.
These are the kinds of ficitious IDs these fellows are capable of conjuring up in order to elevate what they're doing in the eyes of innocent bystanders and observers. They are meant to impress; and I'm certain that is the type of identification that Joe Cafasso produced in absence of his driver's license in Indiana. To a skilled professional, however, these childish imitations are no replacement for the real thing.
The last I heard, the going price for becoming a member of "Knightsbridge" also cost you - about $5,000.
It is worthy to note that the screen grabs of "Lt. Col. Jay Mosca" that Kathryn Cramer has on her flickr set of Cafasso under different aliases leaves out the "Lt. Col" part of the alias he was using. But it was recorded by the Dursts on their web page.
That's about all I knew about my father's career, until I met Lt. Col. Jay Mosca at a recent party at our office. He is a retired weapons expert from the Army.Unfortunately, Lt. Col. Jay Mosca is just one of the numerous aliases manufactured by Joe Cafasso. Lt. Col. Jay Mosca does not exist; and neither does Rob Stormer or Robin Storm - the supposed tornado chaser!
See Cafasso as Lt. Col. Jay Mosca here in the first film clip at the top of the post.
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