Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Durst Family got conned by Joe Cafasso

They have a lovely website up about their family Here. It includes some charming family photographs, but also a curious blurb about Cafasso posing as Lt. Col Jay Mosca talking about a relative of theirs he probably never met. Not able to shut his trap when faced with a possible captive audience, the blag artist blithers on, leaving his listeners begging for more, as you can see in the narrative below.

Unfortunately, the link to the interview doesn't work anymore. If someone finds this who knows about this interview, please contact me at

That's about all I knew about my father's career, until I met Lt. Col. Jay Mosca at a recent party at our office. He is a retired weapons expert from the Army. He knew the details of what my father did in the missile program, because he studied my father's designs and writings. He said they were fundamental reading for weapons experts in the military. Click here to hear my interview of Jay during the party. The background noise is rambunctious, but if you care enough to listen carefully, you'll hear..

He said my father was a pioneer in the field of rocket design for his work in the design of the Nike Zeus missile, and was especially known for his work in the design of multiple stage rockets. He said my father was among the key players, the early legends, in rocket science, and that his design for the multi-stage booster system remains the foundation for the rockets being used today. It was nice to hear.

Pity, that. Any relation to Durst at the IAEC with his UN connections?

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