Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rupert Murdoch had no problem using Cafasso

As you can see, in the expose of the 'rightwing' Fox Network aptly named "Outfoxed", the group who produced it, "Brave New Films" had absolutely no compunction or reservation using Joe Cafasso as a witness to their maniacal rightwing-nut-ness, even though it would seem he wasn't a very good representation of a non-nut. Er...uh...let me rephrase. Cafasso isn't a fair representation of a sane individual without an agenda. How's that?

They complain now that Rupert Murdoch had no problem using Cafasso back then, but they have absolutely no problem using him to fight the wicked 'rightwing'.

Here he is pictured with his Texas A&M hat some time ago during the period when he was working for Pat Buchanan, but that's not the way he appears today.

The picture without the hat at the top shows what he looked like when he was interviewed for the few minutes during the OutFoxed piece. There is a gradual morphing into another identity, which you can see vividly in the next photograph where he has lost at least 50 pounds, and where witnesses have come forward and said that is Gerry Blackwood. Frequent denials doesn't obliterate the fact that there are enough people who have placed you at events wearing certain clothing, and who've watched OutFoxed and recognized you even though you hadn't completely made your transformation into Gerry Blackwood as we know him today.

He lost significant weight, he is wearing glasses, and you could see him wearing an indiana jones hat and an eyepatch, couldn't you? I certainly can. Time has changed things quite a bit. More people are aware of what is happening with military frauds, some people have shaken the stars from their eyes and realized the truth. People who are tired of hiding in fear of Joe Cafasso/Gerry Blackwood et al, and are coming forward to tell their stories.

I'm convinced a book deal will be coming out of this for someone, this is a story that really needs to be told!!

The Outfoxed screenshot and the picture directly above are from Kathryn Cramer's public photo stream on him at Flickr.

What I found interesting was what he had to say about Fox News. Not that I'm a great fan, but the hypocrisy of his statement here, is astounding:

You're wrong if you're a poser pretending to be what you're not, no matter what. And that has nothing to do with Christian fundamentalism, of which I'm not a fan, either.

I am looking for current pictures and other information to fill in the gaps on him; you can email them to me or begin a conversation with me through email at columbiauwhistleblower@hotmail.com

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