Friday, October 27, 2006

Floyd and the boys are watching

This came as a surprise, because although I've been following how this convoluted story has been unfolding at Cao's blog, I never would have expected that she would have devoted a post to me and linked to me, being that the content has just begun here and I'm relatively new at this. The novelty and newness hasn't quite worn off yet, so I've been taking advantage of her trackback parties just to let people know this blog exists. I never would have imagined that Floyd Abrams and his gang of freespeech lawyers would have given this little blog the time of day. or considered it of interest. Does Abrams office back Cafasso's freedom of speech to harrass people, defame them, accuse them of using paypal and ebay for illicit reasons, etc.? On top of that, comes to light the story of his getting ahold of someone's cingular account and literally rerouting mail. Isn't this a federal offence? There are differences between British and American systems, and sometimes I'm at a loss as to what some of these things are, or precisely how they operate.

Floyd Abrams is their lead Council (I'm not entirely certain if that equates to "barrister"-I know the systems are comparable in some ways, but they're certainly not identical). Abrams is of New York's Cahill Gordon & Reindel, the legal outfit that claims a legion of lawyers.

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